You can see my ResearchGate page here.


Vortex filaments

  • D. Margerit, P. Brancher, A. Giovannini, Implementation and validation of a slender vortex filament code: Its application to the study of a four-vortex wake model, Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Volume44, Issue 2, p. 175-196, 2003, doi, pdf, EZ-Vortex code
  • D. Margerit, Axial core-variation of axisymmetric shape on a curved slender vortex filament with a Batchelor, Rankine, or Bubble core, Phys. of Fluids 14, 4406, 2002, doi, pdf
  • D. Margerit, J-P. Brancher, Asymptotic Expansions of the Biot-Savart law for a slender vortex with core variation, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 40 (3), p. 297-313, 2001, doi, pdf
  • D. Margerit, J-P. Brancher, Motion and oscillations of a circular perturbed vortex ring, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série II b, t. 328, p. 393-398, 2000, doi, pdf
  • D. Margerit, J-P. Brancher, The Complete First Order Expansion of a Slender Vortex Ring, IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics of Slender Vortices pp 45–53, held in Aachen, Germany, 31 August – 3 September 1997, doi, pdf_preprint, pdf

Excitable media

  • D. Margerit, D. Barkley, Cookbook Asymptotics for Spiral and Scroll Waves in Excitable Media, Chaos 12, 636-649, 2002, doi, pdf
  • D. Margerit, D. Barkley, Large-Excitability Asymptotics for Scroll Waves in Three-Dimensional Excitable Media, Phys. Rev. E 66, 036214, 2002, doi, pdf
  • D. Margerit, D. Barkley, Selection of twisted scroll waves in three-dimensional excitable media, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 175-178, 2001, doi, pdf


Review of papers

  • I have been one of the tree referees of a paper subitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics

Invitation to a mini-symposium

  • As one of three young scientists, D. Margerit was invited by Ting and Krause to their mini-symposium on “Prandtl’s Boundary-Layer Theory and Beyond” at the Gamm (Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik) Annual Meeting 2000, April 3-7 in Gottingen, 2000, pdf

Conference presentations and proceedings

  • D. Margerit, D. Barkley, Singular perturbations equations for 3-d excitable media, mini-symposium on “Prandtl’s Boundary-Layer Theory and Beyond” at the Gamm (Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik) Annual Meeting 2000, April 3-7 in Gottingen, ZAMM Suppl. No. 1, p. S81-84, 2001, pdf
  • D. Margerit, D. Barkley, Sélection des ondes spirales twistées des milieux excitables tridimensionnels, 3ième Rencontre du Non-Linéaire - IHP, Paris 9-10 mars 2000, pdf, poster, slides
  • D. Margerit, Champ de vitesse d’un anneau tourbillon de faible épaisseur et de champ de vorticité connu, 14ième congrès français de mécanique, Toulouse sep. 99, p.1-6, 1999, pdf
  • D. Margerit, J-P. Brancher, The Different equations of motion of the central line of a slender Vortex Filament and their use to the study of perturbed vortices, Third International Workshop on Vortex Flows and Related Numerical Methods, Toulouse, France, August 24-27,1998, electronic volume of ESIAM (European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics),p. 1-10, 1999, pdf, slides
  • D. Margerit, The complete first order expansion of a slender vortex ring, IUTAM-Symposium on Dynamics of Slender Vortices, Aachen 31 août-3 sept 97, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 45-54, 1998, doi, pdf_preprint, pdf
  • D. Margerit, J-P. Brancher, Les oscillations d’un anneau tourbillon, 13ième congrès français de mécanique, Poitier 1-5 sept. 97, Vol. 1, p.81-84, 1997, pdf


  • D. Margerit, The inner velocity field of a slender vortex ring, Poster at l’Euromech 364 (Dynamics and Statistics of Concentrated Vortices in turbulent Flows), 24-27 juin 1997, Poster


  • *Etude asymptotique et numérique du mouvement du mouvement des ondes spirale de milieux excitables. [Cerfacs, Toulouse, 2003]
  • Etude asymptotique et numérique du mouvement des filaments tourbillons courbes. Application à l’étude des sillages d’avions, [SINUMEF, Paris, juin 2001], [Cerfacs, Toulouse, 2003]
  • Sélection des ondes spirales twistées des milieux excitables tridimensionnels, [MAPLY, Lyon, 20 Juin 2000], [MAB, Bordeaux, 01 Mars 2001], [IMFT, Toulouse, 02 Mars 2001], [LMM, Paris, 06 Mars 2001], [MIP, Toulouse, 20 Mars 2001], [LEMTA, Nancy, 19 avril 2001], abstract, slides
  • Développements asymptotiques de la loi de Biot et Savart. Mouvement des filaments tourbillons courbes, [IMFT, Toulouse, 23 fev. 2001], [MAB, Bordeaux, 01 mars 2001]
  • Expansion of the Biot-Savart law applied to a curved slender vortex filament with axial variation, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, 2 Fev. 2000, slides
  • Singular perturbation equations for three dimensional Excitable Media, TUXEDO meeting, Warwick University, 7 June 1999, slides
  • Vortex dynamics and Motion of vortex filament, réunion hebdomadaire du groupe turbulence de A. C. Newell, Warwick Mathematics Institute, fev. 1999, slides
  • Evolution et dynamique d’un filament tourbillon, [IRPHE, 2 mai 1996], [ESPCI/PMMH, 14 juin 1996], [LMM, 26 nov. 1996]
  • Mouvement, stabilité et ondes sur un filament tourbillon en configuration fermée (anneau) ou ouverte (ligne, hélice…), Ladhyx, 4 octobre 1995
  • Une étude d’un anneau de vorticité par Développement Asymptotique Raccordé, séminaire et soutenance du DEA de mécanique et d’énergétique de Nancy au Ladhyx, septembre 1993, slides

Other presentation of my research and teaching activities

  • Candidature au poste MCf, Mécanique des fluides, 2004, slides

Meetings in C-WAKE European PCRD research project

  • A. Giovannini, D. Margerit, P. Brancher : Validation of a 3D Particle Method in the context of Vortex Dynamics and Interaction studies, talk at Euromech 433 (Dynamics of Trailing Vortices, Aachen), 20-22 Mars, 2002, pdf
  • D. Margerit, P. Brancher and A. Giovannini, Application of a slender vortex filament code to the study of a four-vortex wake model, talk at Euromech 433 (Dynamics of Trailing Vortices, Aachen), 20-22 Mars, 2002, pdf, slides
  • D. Margerit, P. Brancher, A. Giovannini, Effects of simple generic configuration on near to far field wake by using 3D vortex filament method, C-Wake partner report UPS-PR 2.2.3-2, March 2002, report
  • Second C-Wake annual review meeting, Prague, 19-21 Feb. 2002, slides, annual report
  • First C-Wake annual review meeting, Athen, 13-14 Feb. 2001, slides
  • First C-Wake progress meeting, Bremen, June 2000, slides
  • C-Wake kick off meeting, Toulouse, 21 Jan. 2000

Other documents (written when being a young student)

  • Changement quelconque de référentiel en Mécanique des Milieux Continus, note
  • Changement de repère mobile, note
  • Champ de vitesse d’un filament tourbillon proche de la fibre, note de calculs